Here's to new beginnings,
and watching out for looming cliffs in my path.
... I'm just sayin'. |
I'm going into Crazy Time, where everything everywhere must be done, all of it NOW NOW NOW! To say this is a time of change and transitions, of new life and new beginnings, is putting it mildly. Apparently I've taken the season way too literally, and have decided now is the time to take on anything I've ever wanted to do all at once. Okay, well maybe not
everything. Lots of my life "to-dos" require funds which I currently do not have. But I think it's safe to say that I'm tackling
almost everything which doesn't, at least immediately, require my becoming indebted to a large financial entity or winning the lottery.
On my list of Everything To Be Done Ever, these are the ones I'm most excited to tell you about.
First is the fiction. I've started a new piece. It's a little more sci-fi than my usual fare (because, you know, aliens), but I'm in the early swooning stages of new love in which my story concept can do no wrong. At the moment, I believe this is going to be a serial piece. I don't know how long the finished story will be, parts and all. I don't know how many parts there will be. I don't know if I will try for traditional publishing first, or go the self-published ebook route. All I
do know is that I'm excited about it. And I'll keep you updated as things develop.
The second thing is... deep breath... I am creating a local ezine for eco-conscious living in Northeast Oklahoma. It's called
The Green Country Guardian. I have some help. A friend of mine and her girlfriend are building the website and providing me with artwork. Others have promised to contribute writing and help me with info-gathering. I keep threatening to do a
kickstarter for it, so people can get paid something. I've got my eye on a local print shop who might do the swag for kickstarter rewards. I've started a
facebook page to generate interest and keep people informed while we get this all together. This is a big project and it's intimidating, but it's also something I've been working on in my head for years now. So, seeing as how I've contracted some kind of spring crazy bug, I didn't want to put it off any longer.
These projects of mine are getting smooshed like putty to fill any available cracks in between my home life (this includes dragging my son kicking and screaming through high school, nurturing and thoroughly enjoying every minute of my relationship with Mr. V, watching things grown on my fire escape [I've got sugar snap peas coming up!], caring for cats, and the never ending struggle to maintain house), writing small articles for extra money, and the day job.
Is spring like this for everyone? Is it just me?
And why must the start of every new journey always begin with The Fool? Wish me luck and clear vision, will you?