Shameless Plug for a Friend!

Monday, February 8, 2010

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I know it's been awhile since I've had a full-length post, and I promise to post one soon, but I just found out something I have to share!  Janie Franz, a dear friend and sometimes surrogate mother of mine, has been interviewed regarding her very first published piece of fiction (though she's published quite a bit of non-fiction).  She is apparently going on a 2-month virtual book tour, and this was her first stop.  Her new e-book, The Bowdancer, can be purchased from Breathless Press here:

A word to my 'younger' readers - Breathless Press, as you can imagine, does publish some explicit material, so I cannot vouch for the content of everything on their site.  While The Bowdancer does have romance in it, I'm not sure I would consider it explicit, but use your best judgment.  And don't download anything you'd get in trouble for.  There.  That's my disclaimer.

And the interview (which I feel a mad urge to have a drumroll for) is posted on this blog, Barbara's Meanderings:

Janie is a freelance writer, slinging words for a living, and I am (if you never guessed) all about showing my fellow writers some love! 

Cheers, Janie!  I'm so thrilled that I'm almost dancing!